21.12.24 - 16.02.25, Corpo Eterico, solo show curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, Davia Bargellini Museum, Art City Project, Bologna

14.12 - 01.03.25, On and Beyond, group show, Galerie Alberta Pane, Venice

01 - 03.11.24, Artissima, International fair of contemporary art, Lingotto, Torino

23.10, Rai5, VISIONI, TV Interview

27-29.09, Connecting Worlds, group show, curated by A.Lerda, Cuneo

08.07, Mousse Magazine, Breakdown” at Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin

28.07 - 17.01, The Mountain Touch, group show curated by A. Lerda, MUSE Science Museum, Trento

01.06 - 27-07.24, Blackdown, solo show, Galerie Mazzoli, Berlin

05.05 - 05.07.24, Molto Depositi, group show by A-Collection, Rome

26.04 - 30.06.24, ARTTIROL 10, curated by Florian Waldvogel, Ferdinandeum Museum, Innsbruck

12.04 - 14.04.24, miart international modern and contemporary art fair, Milan

03.04 - 15.05.24, La bellezza non esiste, show with G. Stampone and R. De Novellis, Prometeo Gallery, Milan

08.01 - 25.02.24, Nganga, a research project with Boghossian Foundation and in collaboration with Royal Museum for Central Africa, Bruxelles

04.01.24, Publication, Glass Delusion: An Odd Kind of Melancholia and its Reflections in Today's Art, YEDI, Journal of Art, Design & Science, Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Fine Arts, Turkey

01.02 - 04.02.24, Artefiera, Fair of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bologna

29.09 - 1.10.23, Around Video, solo show, Bruxelles

16.06 - 30.09.23, Phantom models 7, site-specific installation at University Museum UMCG, Groningen

05.23, La Quadriennale di Roma, Interview with Angel Moya Garcia, Panorama

05.05.23 - Permanent Exhibition, Bios Techne. Corpo Ambiente e Tecnologia, curated by J.Banchiera and L.Bochicchio, Verona University

31.03 - 04.06.23, Decade, solo show, curated by G. Lorenzoni, texts by E. Viola, E. Barisoni, P. P. Pancotto, L. Longobardi, A. M. Garcia, D. Isaia, MART Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Galleria Civica, Trento

28.01 - 04.03.23, Moi-même (faute de mieux), Galerie Alberta Pane, Paris

21.12 - 03.23, Cerebro(s), curated by Emily Sargent and Ricard Solé, in collaboration with Wellcome Collection London and CCCB Barcelona, Fundación Telefónica, Madrid

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→ Galerie Alberta Pane

→ Galerie Mazzoli